The Markovo Period: 1969 - 1975 (Part 3)

I  SUPPOSE GENETIC WASTAGE and attrition are par for the course among purebred dogs, along with the other side of the coin, represented by the over-breeding of inferior stock. The December 1971 N-litter, by the American Bryar-line male MIKIUK TUKTU TORNYAK out of LYL OF SEPSEQUEL, followed a similar pattern. NUTOK OF MARKOVO carried on the line with only a small assist from one sister, NERA (again, a breeding done by me). NUTOK'S's excellent brother, NORKA OF MARKOVO, sold along with half a dozen other Markovo Seppalas to Barbara Bailey (who moved from Winnipeg to Quebec and immediately sold half of them), unfortunately sired no pure Seppalas.

Nutok of Markovo, winter 1974, his dog house half buried by a Saskatchewan blizzard.
NUTOK OF MARKOVO in winter of 1974, his doghouse half-buried by Saskatchewan blizzards
Seppala stud dog SHANGO OF SEPPALA at Markovo Kennels in 1974.
SHANGO OF SEPPALA in fall 1974 at the Dundurn farm, fully recovered

THE N-LITTER, the H-litter, LYL OF SEPSEQUEL and SHANGO OF SEPPALA produced several litters over the period 1973 through early 1975. Some of the progeny are familiar names today, many others found only oblivion.

Seppala puppy Xaire of Markovo with owner Betsy Bush in 1973.
at eight months with owner Betsy Bush
Seppala puppy Xaire of Markovo in 1973.
(Mikiuk Tuktu Tornyak x Lyl of Sepsequel)


Seppala puppy Zeita of Markovo in 1973.
ZEITA OF MARKOVO (puppy) 1973
(Haakon of Markovo x Nera of Markovo)
Seppala puppy Xaire of Markovo in 1973.
XAIRE OF MARKOVO (puppy) 1973
(Nutok of Markovo x Helen of Markovo)
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